Thursday, July 1, 2010

It's Beet Season

Remember, beets need to be bottled in a
pressure canner.

Here's a basic recipe for plain beets:

Cut off tops leaving 1 inch of the stem
and the root. Wash. Place in large pot,
cover with water; boil 15-25 minutes
until skins slip. Skin, trim. Leave baby
beets whole. Cut medium or large beets
in chunks or slices. Halve or quarter
very large slices. Pack into clean jars,
add salt if desired, and boiling water
leaving 1/2 inch headspace. Place lids
and bands. Process pints for 30 minutes
and quarts for 35 minutes. For our area
here in Weber County you need to process
all your canning at 12 1/2 lbs pressure
unless you have been told otherwise by
the extension service for your individual
pressure canner lid. Make sure to have
it checked anually. HAPPY CANNING!